Mike and Murphy cuddling on the couch and Grandma's house. Ashley wondering why Collin is in her chair. Collin beat her to it while she was napping. Cousins playing together at Grandma & Grandpa Talcott's How cute is my neice? I just love her so much! I think Ashley has something Collin wants. She looks pretty awnry!
Tanner Trachsel and Collin getting to know eachother.
Here is my sister-in-law Sarah with her disgustingly skinny figure for being 20 weeks pregnant! I can't wait to meet my new little neice or nephew! Collin looking so cute and innocent yet a bit awnry at the same time. Collin loves music. I guess we all know where he gets that from. HMM? The kids taking a dip in the Trachsel Hot Tub! Daddy and Collin! Man are we spoiled! God is so good to us!
Austin, Collin and Mike taking a boat ride in the pond. Collin wasn't too sure about the drivers though! I guess I don't blame him either! :) Collin chasing Austin! Here we are just the three of us! I love my family! Jennifer, Brandon, Austin and Ashley just seconds before Mike plowed into my back from the rope swing knocking me quite forcefully face first into the grass. Thanks a lot honey!!
Piled around the TV watching the Chiefs with family and friends at the annual Trachsel Thanksgiving! GO CHIEFS!!! Brett and Jason look so COOL in their "zoobas" or "zebras" or whatever you call those crazy pants!
I know it looks pretty scary! Mike and I had so much fun as Flashdancers we just had to go and hire some back up dancers! Mike's sister Chrissy and husband Ryan decided to have some fun with us for the next Halloween party. Pretty scary to see a 6'8" male in spandex and a wig! And yes if you are wondering that is a thong Mike is wearing. SCARY!!! :) I felt like I was back in college again dressing up and making our own fun in Lamoni!
Mike and I went to a Hallween Party as FlashDancers!!! I think Mike looked better in the spandex than I did. Man that's sad!!! :)
These are our adorable nephews Dawson, Maddux and Banks with their favorite cousin Collin before Trick or Treating. Dawson is the Hawkeye football player, Banks is the pumpkin and Maddux is the fire fighter rolling around on the floor putting out a fire or something! They are so fun and have a blast playing together.
This is Collin the Dinosaur. He makes a really awesome Dinosaur Roar! He had a great time Trick or Treating this year and his mom and dad had fun picking through all of his candy for the chocolate!
Meet Petra! Petra and I met on our Missions trip in the Czech. She is an amazing and beautiful person and I have been so blessed to have her a part of my life. We keep in touch almost every day over email and have talked on the phone a few times. We are trying to help her get her visa so that she can come to the states to visit and possibly go to school.
I ask for everyone's prayers for Petra right now at this time in her and her family's life. Her and her 2 sisters and brother are not living together at this time with eachother or their parents. Petra is staying with one of the missionaries from Majak and her siblings are staying at a home right now until their parents can figure things out. Petra and her brother Pavel are both believers in Christ but her parents and 2 sisters are not yet. We are praying for them everyday that they might find Christ in their lives. Please remember them in your prayers. :)